High-Quality Event MarketingWhether your business is B2B or B2C, high-quality event marketing is a powerful channel to promote your product, brand or service through with live experiences.

At its core, marketing is communication. It is the ability to clearly convey a message at the opportune time. Live events provide the opportunity for one to connect directly with stakeholders and clearly communicate their message. It’s no wonder that event marketing continues to grow as one of the most important marketing strategies for today’s big companies.

What is Event Marketing?

Event marketing is regarded by most marketers as their most effective marketing channel to develop stronger relationships with current and potential customers and educate prospects about your company’s product offering. Examples of event marketing include hosting an event, attending an event as an exhibitor or even live-streamed digital events such as webinars.

Top 4 Benefits of Event Marketing

⦁ Brand Awareness
Participating in an event is the ideal opportunity to showcase your brand to the public. Hooks such as free samples and influencer guest speakers help prospects to discover you. Events are often covered by the media, spreading your brand further afield.

⦁ Lead Generation
Event marketing may not immediately lead to a sale, but the personal connection made at a high-quality event allows you to add prospects to your database.

⦁ Relationship Building
“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories, and magic.” – Seth Godin. Events are an opportune time to connect directly with the public and clearly convey your message.

⦁ Sales
The natural outcome of bringing awareness to your brand, generating leads, and building relationships will be an increase in sales. The bottom line – live events are communication opportunities not to be missed.

Why Choose Red Iron Brand Solutions?

Red Iron Brand Solutions is the go-to expert on branded and blank event display marketing products. With over 30 years of experience, quick shipment options, and an exclusive product line, we’re innovative and at the forefront of new products and growth. With our exclusive product offerings, industry knowledge, and unique techniques, we are leaders in the early advancement of new and original event displays. For more information on event marketing, contact us now at 800-325-3824.