Networking events, expos and trade exhibitions remain a central part of most companies’ marketing and public relations. Corporate gifting is usually an integral and important part of these events. Choosing the right gifts to give to your visitors and customers can mean the difference between strengthened customer relations and your brand being forgotten. Be careful to consider the best corporate conference gift ideas as you plan your next corporate event.

Why Give Event Gifts at Corporate Events?

There are various reasons to give corporate gifts at trade events, but all of them boil down to one essential thing: brand promotion and recognition. Corporate gifts are small, effective tools to help you deepen your customers’ relationship with your brand and extend the reach of your promotional efforts. They perform this function by providing the following:

  • A way to express your appreciation for your customers and their support.
  • Tools to promote motivation and engagement. For example, you could use your gifts as a way to incentivize your customers to sign up to receive your e-newsletter.
  • Ways to promote better relationships with you and your brand.
  • Brand promotion. On their simplest level, corporate gifts are just a way to market your brand to your prospects, your customers and everyone they encounter when using your corporate gift.
  • A way to recognize your staff and reward them for their efforts.

Different Factors to Consider in Corporate Event Gifting

As you plan your corporate gifting strategy, keep these five factors in mind:

  1. Costs: Before you do anything else, draw up a budget and resolve to stick to it. There are corporate gifting options to suit all budgets, so just be sure to set a framework you can work within.
  2. Branding: All your gifts need to be branded and personalized to your brand and its identity. Think about how each item can be marked with your brand and help your customers and prospects to engage with it on an ongoing basis.
  3. The themes and topics of the event: Don’t choose generic branded materials for all your events. Think about the themes of each event and then try to customize your branded items to fit that specific event theme.
  4. Cultural sensitivity: As you choose your gifts and design your branding, make sure that you are being inclusive and creating gifts that will appeal to people of diverse backgrounds.
  5. Utility: One of the things we regularly tell our clients is that the corporate gifts they select must be useful to their clients. Choose items that your customers can make a part of their daily routine, and they will be sure never to forget you or your brand.

Unique Gift Ideas for Corporate Events

Let’s put these ideas into more concrete terms. What items can you choose for your corporate gifting strategy? Here are just a few options:

The Importance of Corporate Identity Colors in Corporate Gifts

Remember that your corporate gifts are there to represent your brand, first and foremost. Be sure to choose and design gifts that do so on every level. Printing a logo is not sufficient on its own. Make sure that every aspect of your visual design represents your brand, right down to the colors you choose.

Red Iron Brand Solutions Can Help You Select the Perfect Corporate Gifts

At Red Iron Brand Solutions, we work closely with our clients to design and supply branded merchandise to suit and effectively promote your corporate brand identity. Contact us today and ask us about our broad range of corporate conference gift ideas.